News Archive - 2013
Water Education Foundation’s online water encyclopedia is a go-to resource for water information. The focus is primarily on the Western United States, especially California, but certain issues and terms apply globally. Review site at
Drought Information
NMSU’s Cooperative Extension Service’s website provides New Mexicans with educational publications on drought issues at
Craig Roepke – NM Office of the State Engineer

to discuss the current status of the 2004 Arizona Water Settlements Act/Gila Settlement Planning process. Tuesday, August 13, 2013, O’Niell’s Pub, Albuquerque. Review upcoming event at
Senator Tom Udall’s Water Conference Report from the 57th Annual NM Water Conference at NMSU available at:
April 30, 2013 – Senator Tom Udall (left) and NM WRRI Director Sam Fernald
Present the Water Conference Report, which compiles strategies and policy
Proposals discussed at WRRI’s annual water conference in August 2012, which
Was co-hosted by Senator Udall and New Mexico State University. Photo by J.P. King

April 30, 2013 – Some water conference and workshop participants gather alongside
A dry Rio Grande for the announcement by Senator Tom Udall of the water conference
Follow-up report detailing 40 proposed actions on dealing with New Mexico’s scarce
Water supplies. Photo by P. Hemp
Alternative Futures for Energy Production and Consumption in the US and the World
Dr. Barry Hughes to speak on “Alternative Futures for Energy Production and Consumption in the US and the World.”
March 18, 2013 — University of New Mexico Auditorium, Centennial Engineering Building at 5:30PM
March 19, 2013 — Sandia National Laboratories* (please see announcement regarding security clearance) New Mexico: 701/2001—10:00 AM (MST) California: M050/107 — 9:00 AM (PST)
Water seminar to be held Feb. 2013
A water seminar, presented by Professor Nir Becker, Tel Hai College, Israel, titled “Water’s Contribution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Is a cooperative solution possible?” will be held from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 25, in Gerald Thomas Hall Room 336. Becker has had 20 years’ study of water economics. The seminar is open to the public. The room holds only 95 so come early.