Diversifying the Water Portfolio of the Rio Grande Basin – USDA AFRI CAP

NM WRRI is collaborating with the Texas Water Resources Institute, New Mexico State University, and Texas A&M is a multi-goal project to identify opportunities for ensuring thriving agriculture in throughout the highly productive Rio Grande Basin watershed. NM WRRI is working specifically with NMSU’s Physical Science Laboratory to fly a crewed aircraft with multispectral and thermal sensors to investigate emerging remote sensing technologies for measuring evapotranspiration.
Geographic Information Systems for Water Resources Research Planning

The purpose of the NM WRRI GIS lab is to support to New Mexico water researchers and planners by providing spatial analysis and maps, and providing public facing spatial data visualization through customized web-mapping applications. Researchers in this lab use Python computer programing to process time series of satellite imagery and spatial datasets. The lab is currently supporting the Dynamic Statewide Water Budget.