Divining Rod Issues

January 2013 issue of the Divining Rod Newsletter. Published by the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute.
Articles of XXXVI
New Research Describes Subterranean Water Flow, Chemistry
Black carbon impact on water quality focus of USGS 104B research grant
USGS 104G Water Resources Research National Competitive Grants Program RFP
Needed: Visionary leadership, streamlined policies, and respect for New Mexico’s unique traditions
The long view: Bridging the gap between future projected water demand and supply in the Middle Rio Grande
Environmental perspective: Time to invest in demand management instead of large-scale water projects
Climate change, infrastructure, hydrogeology studies help determine how much water New Mexico has
Acequia view: Water-sharing traditions adaptable to 21st Century
James Witcher inducted to Geology Hall of Fame
One Hundred Years of Water Wars in New Mexico 1912-2012