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The New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, established in 1963, funds student and faculty research conducted to address water problems critical to New Mexico and the Southwest. NM WRRI also participates in joint efforts to solve water-related problems along the U.S./Mexico border.



NOV 2023
Quantifying the Longitudinal Propagation of Aquatic Disturbances From the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Along the Gallinas Creek-Pecos River Fluvial Network

Authors: González-Pinzón, R.; Tunby, P.; Nichols, J.; Kaphle, A.; Khandelwal, A.; Horn D.V.
AUG 2023
Groundwater Management and Agricultural Crop Choice in the Eastern High Plains of New Mexico

Authors: Wang, H.
JUL 2023
Electrical Resistivity Mapping of Lower Rio Grande River-Groundwater Interactions

Authors: Pearson, A.J.; Carroll, K.C.; Rucker, D.F.; Tsai, C.H.; Fuchs, E.H.
OCT 2022
Understanding the Public’s Questions and Concerns about Potable Water Reuse: An Analysis of Survey Write-in Responses from Residents of Albuquerque, NM

Authors: Scruggs, C.E.; Heyne, C.M.


New Mexico faces serious challenges concerning the supply, development, quality, management, and administration of water resources. To help meet these needs, an Interdisciplinary Program in Water Science & Management (WSM) has been developed at NMSU by a team of water experts.

The primary purposes of the interdisciplinary degree program in Water Science and Management are to provide graduate education for addressing state, national, and international water issues, and to train the next generation of water professionals needed to meet the challenges described above.