Meet the Researcher Dr. Jose Manuel Cerrato, University of New Mexico

By Catherine Ortega Klett, NM WRRI Program Manager

Currently, Dr. Cerrato is investigating the Water Quality Effects of Burning Intensity on the Reactivity of Metals Associated with Wildfire Ash. He is also working with a Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dr. Lucia Rodriguez-Freire, on investigating the Gold King Mine spill in the Animas River and its effect on water quality in the San Juan River in Northern New Mexico. Dr. Cerrato and colleagues from UNM, the NM Environment Department, and the University of Iowa will have their investigation of metal stability in the Animas River after the Gold King Mine spill published in the Environmental Science & Technology journal.

Congratulations to Dr. Cerrato for recently receiving the Faculty of Color Award in the “Research Category” from the Project of New Mexico Graduates of Color. The award recognizes an individual who engages in research that is significant to communities of color, uses community-based practices, critical methodologies or theories, or who promotes co-research with students. Award nominations are submitted by students and Dr. Cerrato’s PhD student Nabil Shaikh submitted the nomination.